You're applying your intuitive notions obtained inside of our universe to a timeless space outside our universe. Out there, not even our logic need apply (not even cause-effect). So, what exactly is a brain inside such a place? Define intelligence inside a place without time and at least we'll know what we're talking about when we say intelligent designer.
It's like saying: god is the best at football. Makes sense, he should be. But what means "football" when you have a place without time?
Extrapolating our own characteristics unto a lazy explanation for our creation seems much more plausible to me.
You're also claiming we are just too lucky for all of this to be a coincidence. The multiverse theory doesn't bound the amount of universes that can be created, some survive some do not.
Thinking we're lucky to be in the one where we are alive is actually a notorious mathematical misunderstanding of probability (in math it happens with confidence intervals).
Everything you did today had a probability of basically 0 to happen exactly the way it did. Yet it did. That doesn't mean your current state is improbable. Any state would be.
But of course, our state is very special. Though is it? In all of the 10^40 universes, there are special things happening, but ours made us human. We're not special, we're just the only ones talking about how special we are.
I think to make reasonable arguments, it is important to not treat yourself (and humanity) as special. Everything around you is not designed for you, you are adapted to it. That's why you are alive and can talk about it.
tbh this post is just clickbait, meant to provoke religious people, but your arguments aren't helping.